Operate the Pace of Business with MadeIT Solutions

logoSubmit faster new products and services, move closer to customers, increase the productivity of users. Never pressure of innovation on your business has been stronger. However, your existing IT infrastructure is gearing up to the goals of your company?

At the time of cloud and mobility, your computer model must be able to accommodate more users, more applications, and more data. According to IDC, the implementation of the third platform dedicated to the growth and innovation after the mainframe and client-server model requires an investment in Cloud Computing, social, mobile technologies and the Big Data. It also involves making fundamental changes to IT operations to provide access to self-service information and applications regardless of location, time and terminal.

Give the IT department the power to give more resources to users. IaaS offers more ways for your customers, your employees, and your IT department. While customizing the provision of IT services, the IaaS reduces costs of technology, training, and processes, and increases flexibility, responsiveness, and control of the IT environment. With the IaaS, your IT team no longer content to react to an endless list of demands but begin to implement a proactive partnership with the company.

Energize your business

Pioneer of virtualization, cloud computing base, MadeIT enables companies to innovate and prosper while saving a significant amount of dollars. Because virtualization and automation software from MadeIT cover the entire data center and virtual workspace, we are able to simplify the IT environment radically to help you achieve your goals business.

MadeIT Infrastructure is the basis for some of private, public and hybrid cloud environments. More customers rely on MadeIT to help them reduce costs, increase flexibility while maintaining control of their IT environments, and thus significantly improve the results of their business.

When your company chooses MadeIT and its extensive network of partners, the transition that you start is to evolve a traditional IT infrastructure progressively to achieve a virtualized cloud environment more flexible and efficient. Throughout this transformation, you enhance the value of more strategic IT investments.

Companies usually start their transition by virtualizing the infrastructure to consolidate investments and reduce costs. Subsequently, many opt for virtualization of critical applications and finally go to automation and higher levels of management to extend virtualization to the rest of the infrastructure, namely the storage, network, and security. These activities reduce operating costs and enhance service quality.

But it is only when virtualization has really become ubiquitous that your business can finally exploit IaaS at fair value. Companies that implement the IaaS considerable benefit of this operating mode, fundamentally different from their counterparts.

MadeIT offers a wide range of quality hosting products, all designed to give you the very best possible conditions to host your site or to run your business. From small shared accounts, through reseller accounts, virtual private servers and up to fully managed dedicated servers, you can find it with us.

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